60 Outstanding History Research Paper Topics With Example
Browse the most up-to-date collection of history research topics prepared by PhDs in the field.

No Ideas on How to Write a History Research Paper? We Can Help!
Choosing the topic for any history research requires much preparatory work. This science allows you to look at a problem from dozens of different angles. Unlike some other more specific disciplines that focus in topics on the study of profile problems in history research paper topics, we can look at them all together. You can examine any historical event from an economic, political, biological, cultural, medical, social, or military perspective. Since human life in historical retrospect is affected by all of these factors and serves as triggers for different events, history looks at the impact of each aspect on the events that have passed and that have brought us to the present day in which we live.
Making a Detailed History Research Paper Outline Is Half Your Success
Leaving aside the research and effective proposal writing process itself, the success of your history research proposal directly depends on two things. Choosing an interesting and relevant topic and creating a clear history research paper outline. Experts advise you to follow the following plan in creating your paper:
- An introduction with a clear statement of your research topic
- Defining the goals you want to achieve in your paper
- Selection and analysis of relevant literature for the topic
- Main thesis and arguments
- Description of the structure (number of sections and their sequence)
- Main ideas that you will be able to support with evidence
- Conclusions based on the data collected
- List of references
A clear plan will help you stay on track and not miss important details in your paper. That’s why when you hire our proposal writing services to help with topic selection, you also get a proposal outline.

Comprehensive and Interesting History Topics to Research
The great thing about history topics is that you can research almost anything. Because the subject’s very essence is the study of the past, and it, like our modern lives, comprises millions of aspects, each of which can be the subject of your research. We suggest you look at our history research paper topics that may inspire your work on a proposal.
- The Impact of Wars on the Geopolitical Map of the World
- Comparative Analysis of Revolutions in the World
- Religious Movements and Their Role in the Formation of Culture
- The Influence of Art on Society in Different Historical Epochs
- Evolution of International Relations in the Xx Century
- Story of World Religions and Their Spread
- The Role of Women in the Past: Women Leaders and Their Influence
- Migrations and Their Impact on the Culture and Economy of Countries
- Technological Revolutions and Their Impact on Society
- Histories of Major Cities and Their Development
- Development of Trade and Trade Routes in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
- Epidemics and Pandemics in the Human Past
- The Study of the Impact of Mass Culture on Society
- Education and the Development of the Modern Learning System
- Colonialism and Its Effects on Different Countries
- Story of the Art of Architecture. Evolution From Antiquity to Modernity
- Influence of Philosophy on Political Movements
- Ethnic Conflicts and Their Historical Context
- Story of Great Discoveries and Explorations
- Revolution in Medicine and Public Health
The Most Important US History Research Paper Topics
In terms of time, the US is a young country full of various epochal events that have influenced the whole world without exaggeration. Check out these great US history research paper topics; you may find yourself a proposal topic for future research.
- The Great Immigration and Its Impact on the Formation of American Society
- The Effect of the Civil War on Slavery
- The Great Depression and Its Impact on American Culture
- Story of American Industrialization and Its Effects
- The Role of American Women in the Struggle for Voting Rights
- The Relationship Between Native Americans and the Early Colonists
- The Effect of the Civil Rights Movement on Sociocultural Transformations
- The US War of Independence and the Formation of a Unified Nation
- A Study of the Alcohol Prohibition Movement in the US During the Great Depression
- The Evolution of the US Political System
- The Role of Americans in World War II
- Details of Space Exploration and the Impact of the Flight to the Moon
- The Role of the American Press and Media in Shaping Public Opinion
- The Role of American Presidents in Shaping the Past of the Country
- The Impact of the Technological Revolution on American Society
- Investigation of the LGBTQ+ Rights Movement and the Struggle for Equality
- The Influence of the American Film Industry on World Culture
- The Cold War’s Influence on US Foreign and Domestic Policy
- The Impact of Religious Movements on the US
- A Study of American Diplomacy and International Relations
Global History Research Topics That Deserve Attention
World history explores the full range of interactions between countries throughout time. Studying this area allows you to discover many unknown facts and make new discoveries, effortlessly drawing attention to your project with a great proposal. These interesting history topics to research may help you to do so.
- International Organizations and Their Role in Modern World Politics
- Global Challenges of Climate Change
- Impact of Global Pandemics on the Formation of Society
- Modern History of Conflicts and Peace Processes in the Middle East
- The Impact of Cyberattacks and Cybersecurity on World Relations
- The Evolution of Technology and Its Impact on Society and Politics
- History of Terrorism and Methods of Combating Terrorist Threats
- The Impact of Cyber Intelligence and Cyber Warfare on Modern Conflicts
- Modern Historical Aspects of Migration
- Global Economic Crises and Their Consequences
- Modern Democracy in the Context of Countries’ Development
- Path of Disarmament and Arms Control
- Contemporary Problems of the World Space Program
- History of the Struggle Against Racism and Discrimination in the World
- Development of Medical Science and Healthcare
- Influence of World Financial Institutions on the Development of Countries
- International Relations and Diplomacy in the Modern World
- Risks and Benefits of Cultural Interaction and Globalization
- History of the Fight Against Terrorism and Extremism
- Modern History of Mass Media and Journalism
Check out these anthropology research topics for more inspiration!
Using History Research Paper Example for Inspiration
On our website, you will find many good history topics to research and ready-made papers that you can refer to. It will be easier to understand how the paper should be structured, how many words you should focus on, and how to make arguments with supporting facts. Working with a history research proposal example is a great way to understand how to write a research paper. And we invite you to do it.
But note that such examples are just a tool allowing you to get a general idea of how to write a history research paper. Although a proposal is an academic paper with a stable structure, it still may have additional requirements. For example, limitations regarding the format, word count & design provided by the institution. This may differ a lot from the program, even if you create multiple proposals for one university.
Full-Service History Research Proposal Writing Help 24/7
Choosing the right history research topics is already a huge part of your success. Approach it wisely. Make sure you like the topic, it is relevant, and you have access to enough information to cover the subject. Use our world history research paper topics for inspiration. If you need more help, contact us, and we will pick the most appropriate proposal topic for your research with an outline. Or maybe you want to receive a paper made from scratch or get help with proposal editing? Our professional writers know the pros and cons and know exactly how to write a history research proposal that will impress the committee. They are also unconditional experts in PhD proposal writing, as you can see for yourself.