A Detailed Guide on the APA Format Research Proposal
Find out how to handle the APA research proposal format like a pro.

Research proposal in APA format: Structure & Formatting Guidelines
Writing a proposal is an essential stage in any academic project since it outlines the research’s objectives, methodology, and significance. However, before submitting your work to the supervisor or the funding company, you must ensure it is appropriately formatted and referenced. It’s quite a challenging task, especially for newbies. But worry not — this APA research proposal format guide will walk you through the fundamentals. Besides, we’ll discuss some of the best ways to reference and structure your writing, so dive in!
What’s an APA Style Research Proposal?
An APA research proposal is a document written following the American Psychological Association style. This is among the preferred styles for writing papers in academia. It should describe the core idea of your project and the methodology you’ve conducted or are about to conduct. Plus, this paper explains how your investigations are necessary and how society will benefit or advance knowledge in this field.
Your APA format proposal should also affirm the academic merit of your ideas and demonstrate that you can significantly contribute to the field of study. Note that stating your academic qualifications and credentials is the easiest way to achieve this.

This type of work enables the writer to delve deeper into a topic. It provides a chance to identify and analyze the relevant information, draw conclusions, and offer potential recommendations or solutions. It also allows one to prove expertise in a specific topic and develop a well-rounded argument considering various perspectives. According to field experts offering research proposal services, this type of work enables the writer to delve deeper into a topic.
How Long Should a Research Proposal APA Format Be?
The length of an APA style research proposal can vary depending on your academic level and supervisor’s instructions. But generally, a bachelor’s or master’s level writing will range from 500 to 1,500 words, while a Ph.D. level writing or a funding request is much longer and more detailed.
Now that you know the fundamentals, let’s delve into how to write a research proposal APA.
General Structure of a Paper in APA Proposal Format
No matter the style, the structure of a research proposal in APA format is flexible. However, there are some critical sections, and they are as follows:
- Title Page
The title page should contain the title of your paper, your name, and the name of your university. Depending on the guidelines, other details that may be added to this page can include:
- Submission date.
- Institutional affiliation.
- Budget term.
- Total funds requested.
- Supervisor’s name.
According to the APA proposal format guide, your title should explain the study in up to 12 words. All content on this page should have double spacing with no degrees or titles included when listing names. Note that the running head on your title page will differ from the rest of your work. It has to be named “Running head” and followed by your title or a colon.
- Abstract
In APA format research proposal, the abstract is on the second page. It summarizes your writing in no more than 150-200 words. Although it appears closer to the beginning of your work, you should write this last. Your abstract should:
- State the question you intend to answer.
- Explain the purpose of the research.
- Describe your research design and methodology.
- Offer a solution.
- Mention any anticipated result.
- Summarize the implications and importance of the research.
To meet the formatting requirements, center the term “Abstract” on the first line without any additional styling. Then, write your paragraph after a double-space, but don’t indent it. Indent five spaces after the summary and put the term “Keywords,” followed by a colon, in italics. Next, make a list of keywords that relate to your paper.
- Introduction
This is where you provide background information on the topic, including previous studies and relevant literature. When writing a proposal APA introduction, you should also:
- Address issues such as why you choose to work on the study.
- Clearly state the problem and its relevance.
- Outline the research objectives and the hypotheses to be tested.
- Explain the significance of your project.
- Literature Review
The literature review is a crucial part of any research proposal in APA format. It lists the sources you plan to rely on for your investigation and shows your understanding of your topic’s existing body of knowledge. It is where you need to:
- Discuss the main findings.
- Highlight gaps your research aims to fill.
- Explain the theoretical framework (if applicable).
Organize your literature review logically, grouping related studies and theories. Sentences that refer to another person’s work must have an in-text citation. The American Psychological Association recommends using the author-date method, so always provide the author’s name and the year of publication in parenthesis at the very end of every referencing sentence.
For instance: (Anderson, 1985, p. 21).
- Methodology
Your methodology section should outline the methods and procedures you plan to use. It should cover the following topics:
- Type of research design (e.g., experimental, descriptive, or corrective) and its justification.
- Kind of research you intend to do (e.g., qualitative or quantitative).
- Tools and instruments you will use to curate data.
- Target population and the participant selection criteria.
- Ethical considerations.
In addition, this section of your proposal APA format should indicate aspects such as the budget, potential obstacles, how you will resolve them, and the timeline.
- Results
In your results section, briefly outline the expected or anticipated results and explain how they will address the objectives of your study.
- Discussion
The discussion is where you must:
- Interpret the outcomes of your research.
- Discuss the potential implications.
- Acknowledge potential limitations.
- Suggest directions for future research based on your findings.
- Conclusions
As the name suggests, this section of your research proposal APA format summarizes the entire work and restates your purpose.
- References
The American Psychological Association style suggests adding a page containing all the references at the end of your writing. Label it with the term “References” in the center of the first line. Next, list the sources you cited in your work alphabetically by author’s last name. In case of references longer than a line, indent the subsequent lines by five spaces.
A book reference will look like this:
Last name, Initials. (Year of Publication). Book title. City, State: Publisher.
- Appendices
If you have supplementary materials (e.g., surveys or additional data), include them in the appendices. Label each appendix with a letter (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B) and refer to them in the main text when needed.
Essentials of APA Research Proposal Format
Now, let’s take a quick look at what the American Psychological Association style should look like.
- 12-point font Times New Roman.
- Double spacing.
- 1-inch margin on all sides.
- Running head in the header (50 characters, including spaces, max.).
- Page numbers in the top right corner of each page.
- Five-space indent for new paragraphs.
- Clear, hierarchical headings (e.g., Methodology, Results).
- In-text citations and references page (framed according to the guidelines).
- Concise, formal academic language.
You can also use the General APA Guidelines for more information on the research proposal format APA.
Strapped for Time? Let Us Write a Quality APA Format Proposal for You
At phdresearchproposal.org, we have an extensive team of subject-matter writers who know all the ins and outs of proposal writing. They will gladly assist you with anything from choosing a compelling topic to researching and writing the entire paper following the 7th edition of APA format for research proposal. All they need are your supervisor’s instructions!